Now personally I do not have a tattoo, even though I thought getting one. My wife has a little heart just above her right breast, which normally is not visible. I like it there, and if you wanted to get a tattoo, there are many things to consider.
First you need to be smart tattoos. I mean, you have to do a little research on them. There are many resources online that can give you an idea of the location, color, style, design, and is a con. From personal observation, I noticed that some areas of the body can add to your appearance and seductivity and elsewhere may be distracting. Depending on whether you are in the spotlight, or just behind the scenes, what you need to know how tattoos affect your daily activities.

Most companies began to accept tattoos and generally does not make a big problem for them. I myself, I think it adds some flair to your personality. They are a way to express who you are and as they feel about themselves. Remember, you are a permanent part of your body later. Can be very tempting, or can be ridiculous. Some people, and it is their goal to completely cover their entire body with tattoos. I do not really care about this type of practice, but if you want to do, then go for it.
When and if you decide to have tattoos, which makes research First you can make well-informed decisions about where and how you show new form of expression. Whether in the form of flowers, butterflies, animals and even humans, can add to your equity. Many of us would like to express themselves every day, but we just do both. You can through the form of tattoos.

If you decide to go ahead and buy a tattoo, remember that they are expensive to install and remove, depending on the size and location. Although they may be removed, there is the possibility of some tissue damage and discoloration.
I am no expert on tattoos, and when I went to get one I would definitely research the subject first.